Go Further: May Challenge

I can sum this week up in one work.


Or, if you would prefer, Big Giant Fail.  I had big plans.  I missed my usual Saturday and Sunday rides, but I was going to go to spin class twice and go on a women’s group ride and ride my bike on the trail, to meet my goal.

What did I do? I rode my bike to the grocery store.  To buy a vegetable to cook.  So at least I’m meeting the veggies requirement.

The sky has been filled with dark heavy clouds this week, threatening rain and thunderstorms.  A few downpours have kept me from risking riding my bike and I happened to oversleep the two days I was planning to go to spin class.  I couldn’t hit spin class this morning because I had an early morning job interview.

So, there you have it.  I managed to fit in workouts otherwise, for the most part.  I even did some weights, but yesterday, I just wasn’t feeling it.  I wasn’t working at all, I put my yoga mat and stuff in the car so I could hit up a class while I was out, but I just…didn’t.  These days happen to the best of us (which I am not), so I cut myself some slack.

How’s everybody else doing?  Hopefully better than me!


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5 responses to “Go Further: May Challenge

  1. I’ve also been a massive failure on the fitness front. I actually just full-on opted out of this, the final week of boot camp because I had rehearsals and performances every night and just didn’t want to have to stress about was I going to go or was I not. So, in the end, I think I was being kind to myself by eliminating the inclination to agonize over it… but I haven’t done any exercise. My next challenge (and I suppose this will be June’s) will be to join the rec center at the school where I work and start ellipticising many times a week, or jog at home.

  2. Also a failed week for me. The rain kept me from running more than 2 days this week, which was no good. Yesterday’s run, though, I finally made it to two miles of straight running, and then did a half-hour of yoga to keep the sore out, so that felt like a big success, despite not really meeting my goals for the week. Next week will be better, though!

  3. Well I did my four workouts, but I really dragged myself through them. Zumba on Friday, Tuesday I did strength, Wednesday I ran on the elliptical, and Thursday I did strength again.

    The real fail was portion control of what I ate. I binged on chocolate and ate a lot of crap. I’m really disappointed in myself about that.

  4. Jo

    I’ve been okay this week, have been much more active in my life (yay summer!) and have done yoga every day. It’s been good. I’ve been exhausted every night, though.

  5. Doing all right on the veggie thing, not so good on the dessert-splurging. 😛

    Managed to do 8 push-ups (though the last one was pretty feeble) last night, yay. Today I’m going to try the “exaustion test” to see how many I can do total, to figure out what I need to do for week 3. I think I need to repeat week 2 for sit-ups because the last two sets of 30 were pitiful last night. However, I swear I can see a glimmer of a muscle down there… LOL.

    Skipped working out Thurs/Fri, due to B having my car/working late and me just being in a generally lousy mood. Made up for one workout Sat. Still didn’t manage all 5 days of cardio. Am hoping this week will be stronger.

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